
So Nature, So Good duck

So Nature, So Good duck
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So Nature, So Good duck

So Nature, So Good Barbary Duck are coming from a wild species which is renowned for its unique flavour and raised in the open air. The ducks are free to roam in a huge, grassy meadow and have unlimited access to the building.

Whole piece of So Nature, So Good duck

Prim'S offers you its So Nature, So Good range, guaranteeing French poultry that has been well-raised and well-fed, with outdoor access.

So Nature, so Good duck

So Nature, so Good duck

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So Nature, So Good Duck cuts

Discover all of Prim's expertise and commitment with our Barbary duck cuts, raised with outdoor acess.

duck beast

So Nature, So Good Duck breast

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So Nature, So Good Duck leg

So Nature, So Good Duck leg

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